
Since 2015, we have been working on a new, challenge-based collaborative learning method called ETHAZI. Pedagogical renewal is one of the strategic objectives of our school, as stated in our Mission, Vision and Values. Collaborative learning is based on small teams. Each member of the team contributes to maximising both their own learning and that of their peers. Collaborative learning presents several benefits:
  • It improves students’ interpersonal intelligence.
  • It creates a learning community that leads students to learn together with their peers. This way, individual knowledge enriches and increases collective knowledge.
  • It helps students to cooperate, be supportive and appreciate mutual help and generosity. Collaborative learning promotes deeper relations among those that initially worked together for efficiency reasons only. Thus, our students become committed to improving their peers’ lives.
  • Learning to learn.We focus on cognitive development and on learning process strategies. We want our students to play a major role in the learning process.
  • It increases learning motivation, that is, the students’ effort to achieve the academic goals they deem important and valuable.
  • It encourages students to make a better sense of the learning process while they become more proactive, getting involved in the process and enjoying it more.
This course we have created an Ethazi team with teachers from all professional families with the aim of giving a boost to this methodology. With their help and the involvement of the teaching staff, we hope to develop 70 new challenges.