Urratsbat Sarea

Logo Urratsarea
Urratsbat Sarea (Network, in Basque) is a service offered by Tknika to improve the competitiveness of companies, facilitating and promoting associative and collaborative culture.
This initiative seeks to create a business community composed of all the companies founded throughout the more than 10 years of history of the Urratsbat programme. Exchanging experiences, encouraging new projects through business cooperation, promoting Basque Vocational Education and getting new customers are some of its main objectives. Urratsbat is thought and designed by entrepreneurs who know how to manage entrepreneurial projects and deal with their challenges. This platform aims to become one of the main references for entrepreneurship in the Basque Country, fostering commercial activity through its search engine and events, and encouraging common work and communication between companies. This will cover two needs: improving the profit and loss account of our companies and keeping the spirit of the Urratsbat programme alive.