Training for work

Vocational Training for Work offers employed or unemployed workers a chance to keep training with the support of Lanbide, the Basque Employment Service.

Training based on the so-called “Modular Catalogue” enables workers to pursue Professional Certificates in smaller –and shorter– training units fully valid in the Basque Autonomous Region. Once workers have completed all of these smaller training units, they can get a course certificate and, if applicable, a Professional Certificate.

Training units are cumulative in time, meaning the certificate can be obtained at any time.
Training unit Hours Provisional dates Registration form
MF1345_2 Impresión de productos en flexografia 60 07/03/22 – 09/05/22. Martes y jueves: 17:30 - 21:30 Inscripción
Unidad Formativa Horas Fechas Provisionales Formulario de inscripción
FMEH0109: MECANIZADO POR ARRANQUE DE VIRUTA 770 17/01/22 – 07/06/22. Lunes a Viernes: 8:00-14:00 Inscripción
MF0640_3: INSTALACIONES DE EDIFICIOS (CYPE INSTALACIONES) 90 17/01/22 – 29/03/22. Martes y jueves: 18:00 - 21:00 Inscripción
MF0696_2: PROYECTO DE PRODUCTOS GRAFICOS 140 26/01/22 – 15/06/22. Horario: 17:30 - 21:30
26/01/22 – 9/03/22. Días semana: Miércoles y jueves.
21/03/22 – 15/06/22. Días semana: Lunes y Miércoles.
MF0698_2: ARQUITECTURA TIPOGRÁFICA Y MAQUETACIÓN 140 24/01/22 – 16/06/22. Horario: 17:30 - 21:30
24/01/22 – 08/03/22. Días semana: Lunes y martes.
22/03/22 – 05/05/22. Días semana: Martes y Jueves.
11/05/22 – 16/06/22. Días semana: Miércoles y Jueves.